Saharra Huxly







Bemutatkozás: Your Goddess is a giantess amazon teacher of all. My seductive bite, electric swing, and strapped member will penalize your ignorance and train your obedience. Your worth is not measurable by words but with action. My patience with a pet is only sizeable to their willingness to learn and please the Goddess. My emasculating aggression has skilled me in rope bondage and toys of all sorts. The pleasure of shoving my cock down your erect throat makes the Goddess tingle. The thought of your body’s betraying shiver to the sting of my leather whip is excitable. Allowing you to venture through the Doms Domain opens a dark sexy world of sadistic pleasures only your dreams knew you claimed. With unreasonable access to nipple clamps, clothespins, ropes, and cocks the Goddess with brink your sanity and annihilate any physical impression left of your vanilla orgasms. No matter if you are suspended like a pig, caged like a dog, or stepped on like a rug, the bliss of my commands will flood your mind and body over and over again. I am a teacher with a twist, I will have you as mine, and your reward will be my pleasure. Pigs, princesses, brats and sissy boys you are all welcome to My world of taboos. I invite you push your mind and your limits, I will charge back and bring you enjoyment like you have never experienced. When asked nicely I am an unstoppable Amazonian Beast. Will you be My bitch?


Your Goddess is a giantess amazon teacher of all. My seductive bite, electric swing, and strapped member will penalize your ignorance and train your obedience. Your worth is not measurable by words but with action. My patience with a pet is only sizeable to their willingness to learn and please the Goddess. My emasculating aggression has skilled me in rope bondage and toys of all sorts. The pleasure of shoving my cock down your erect throat makes the Goddess tingle. The thought of your body’s betraying shiver to the sting of my leather whip is excitable. Allowing you to venture through the Doms Domain opens a dark sexy world of sadistic pleasures only your dreams knew you claimed. With unreasonable access to nipple clamps, clothespins, ropes, and cocks the Goddess with brink your sanity and annihilate any physical impression left of your vanilla orgasms. No matter if you are suspended like a pig, caged like a dog, or stepped on like a rug, the bliss of my commands will flood your mind and body over and over again. I am a teacher with a twist, I will have you as mine, and your reward will be my pleasure.

Pigs, princesses, brats and sissy boys you are all welcome to My world of taboos. I invite you push your mind and your limits, I will charge back and bring you enjoyment like you have never experienced. When asked nicely I am an unstoppable Amazonian Beast. Will you be My bitch?
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  • Adataim:
    Nő, heteroszexuális
  • Ország::
    Tampa, Florida, Amerikai Egyesült Államok
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